Are you a woman facing a life transition and have questions about your financial future?
Perhaps you have recently gone through a divorce or have lost your spouse. Or maybe you are facing retirement and want to relax or embrace an exciting new challenge?
These life changes create financial questions. Have you saved enough money? Will you have enough “grocery money” (generic word for living expenses) to last the rest of your life? Or maybe you now have new goals? Travel, pursue a new hobby or career? Determining how to finance these goals is also important. These questions run through your head. You don’t want to worry about running out of money. Are you looking for a solution you can trust?
Here’s How One Woman Became Financially Secure
Call 415-515-7985
This is where I can help.
You want a plan that provides you enough “grocery money” and funds your future unique goals. You want to trust this plan and be comfortable with whomever helps you create it.
I work with women in transition and help them create a workable budget and low cost investment plan that helps them live the life they desire.
How does this work?
We have an initial meeting at your home, coffee shop or anywhere you feel comfortable. You describe your situation, your goals and dreams as well as your questions and fears about investing and your future.
I will share my investment philosophy and how we can create a plan. This is done using simple language and concrete examples. I will not use hard to understand “investment jargon” language. An example of my simple approach is together, you and I create your portfolio using 10 pennies! How do I do this? You’ll find out!!
We continue if we are a good fit. I create a plan, you study it and decide if it’s for you. If the answer is yes, I invest and manage your money primarily in low-cost Vanguard mutual funds.
What’s the benefit to you?
You will wake up every day, enjoy whatever activity you pursue and know you have enough money to achieve it. You won’t worry about money.
My goal is not to make you wealthy. My goal is to make you financially secure and enjoy the life you deserve.
Do you still have questions?
You can read two stories about women below. The first woman became financially insecure. The second one became financially secure. Can you relate to either woman? You can also read a little about me and how I relate to both women.
Two Stories about Women and Their Money
Financial Insecurity:
Linda is middle aged, divorced and enjoying life. She dreams about her retirement. She’ll have enough money to stop working, relax more, pursue a hobby and travel. She tells herself to start saving and planning.
Sadly, Linda feels retirement planning, the stock market and her finances are overwhelming and confusing. So, she procrastinates and will deal with it tomorrow.
Fast forward, Linda is now 65. She wants to work less and live more. But she can’t. She has saved a little money and receives an average $1,503 monthly Social Security check. This is nice, but it won’t cover her monthly food costs, bills, a home mortgage, car payment and two credit cards.
Linda is heart broken. She is still scrambling, living paycheck to paycheck. She regrets she didn’t listen to her middle aged self and start saving and planning earlier.
Retirement is a curse, not a blessing for Linda.
Financial Security:
Mary is middle aged, divorced and enjoying life. Like Linda, she dreams about her retirement. She’ll have enough money to stop working, relax more, pursue a hobby and travel. She tells herself to start saving and planning.
Retirement planning, the stock market and finances are also overwhelming and confusing to her. But she knows she has to learn about these topics if she wants to enjoy her retirement. So she interviews some financial advisors and chooses one that offers her personal attention and a low cost investment plan.
Fast forward, Mary is now 65. She enjoys retirement. Every day, she relaxes, reads a good book and pursues her hobby. She is debt-free and doesn’t worry about money. Mary has a portfolio that has grown and compounded over time. Linda does not have this. She views her investments with pride. Mary takes a monthly portfolio distribution to pay for her lifestyle. Linda does not have option. Mary also receives an average $1,503 monthly Social Security check.
Retirement is a joy, not a curse for Mary.
A Little About Me
I can relate to both “Linda” and “Mary.” I lived like Linda my earlier adult life and now live like Mary.
Like Linda, I thought about planning my future. I was going to budget, pay down debt and save for retirement. Like her, I did little about it. Instead, I focused on spending money for present day wants. Credit card balances were not paid in full each month. Didn’t bother me. My wife and I were home owners, had a mortgage and refinanced it a couple times. Isn’t that what everyone does? Giving the bank more interest over a longer period didn’t bother me.
We were making money in the stock market and felt great. So, what’s the problem? My problem came in 2008 and we had the financial loan crisis. The stock market and our personal portfolio lost over 1/3 of its value. Our stock market gains vanished. My wife and I lamented that we could have used these gains to pay off our debts. Now we couldn’t. A little late, I realized I had made poor money decisions and had financial insecurity.
So what did my wife and I do? We changed. Behaviors that didn’t bother me before now bothered me. “Anger” can be a wonderful motivator. We swore to be better stewards of our money.
From 2008 to the present, I have lived like Mary. I wanted to have financial security. Financial security for me meant being debt-free and living in a paid for house. The stock market rebounded in 2011 and we recouped our loses. This time, we took some profits and paid off our home mortgage.
I became more focussed on budgeting and planning my retirement. Today, I pay my credit card balance in full each month. I determined how much money I needed to save to retire in comfort. I saved and invested that money. These investments have grown and compounded in value. Today, these investment gains provide me a steady and reliable retirement income.
Twelve years ago, I felt defeated about the poor decisions I had made with our money. I had made money and then let it slip away. I don’t want you to experience this sad feeling. Instead, you and I can feel triumphant about your life and money decisions. I can show you how.
Call me today and we can chat. If you’re comfortable, we schedule a meeting. There is no obligation and no high-pressure sales tactic. Call or text me at 415 515 7985.
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Our initial meeting will cost you nothing and be stress free. However, taking no action could become risky and stressful to you. Going forward, everyday you live without a solid plan for budgeting, saving and investing your money leaves you vulnerable to a doubtful future.
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