The Secret to Successful Investing
Would you like to know the secret to successful investing?
What would you do with the extra money?
Pay off debts? Take a vacation? Money for retirement?
Maybe you believe there is no secret. Or you’ve had a bad experience with an investment advisor or the stock market. Don’t trust it, understand it or believe in it.
OK. I’m sorry. I still believe there is a secret.
It’s a one word answer!
Well, what is it?
You or have someone help you create a diversified portfolio of quality stock mutual funds. Then you hold on to these positions and make minimal changes over a 3 to 5 year period. You have a great chance to succeed and make money.
Does this sound too good to be true?
Maybe. But this approach usually works.
Then why don’t people follow this simple advice?
Because we are IMPATIENT and get nervous when the market goes down temporarily. We sell stocks and leave the market. We lack the discipline to stay in. Instead, we feel anxious and scared, throw up our hands and say the stock market is too risky.
You have 3 choices:
1) Don’t trust the stock market. Keep your money in the bank. You won’t make any money.
2) Try to outsmart and time the market. Buy and sell stocks and continue to buy and sell new stocks. Good luck. You’ll need it.
3) Create a diversified portfolio of quality mutual funds and don’t touch it. Have the PATIENCE to let it grow.
I can’t help you with solutions #1 and #2 above. I can help you with solution #3. I can help you understand and trust investing. Call or text me, Dan Edwards at 415 515 7985.
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